Monday, June 8, 2009

What's in a name?

Here's Lookin' At You Photography is now Suzanne Rollman Photography.
You may wonder why the change. I can't give a concrete answer for that except that it was recommended to me by other respected photographers to use my personal name in my business name. I decided that it was a change I was ready to make, and I have taken the plunge.
With all the changes, you may have some questions for me, so feel free to call me or use the contact page on my new website to send me an email.
I am planning some special contests and activities this year, so stop by often to see what is new. I look forward to this year of changes with much anticipation, and I hope you are, too!

1 comment:

  1. great start! :) it will get easier as you go along. again, praying for the best for your "new" biz! :)
